More Information
Estimated Delivery by region
Europe: 2 - 7 days
Middle East: 2 - 4 days
North / South America: 2 - 21 days
Note: 1- These are approximately, may differ in real-time
2- Customs duty may applied, Check with your country's customs
Reward: Acquire 2 points for each 1 spend which enable discounts on products
Free shipping for orders which exceed the limits of: 100(Euro), 399(Sar), 106(Usd), 33(Kwd), 394(Aed).
Manufacturer warranty 1-2 years depending on the brand
Special request for items and brands that are not listed in the website. To assure that you are provided with the best service, contact us through "Special request" via chat icon. We are happy to hear from you
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—Trusted by 3m+ customers.
How it works:
1-Choose Tabby at checkout.
2-Enter your information and add your debit or credit card.
3-Your first payment is taken when the order is made.
4-We'll send you a reminder when your next payment is due![]()